© Stefanie Kösling for Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt
The privilege to wander between architectural research and design thinking, although often perceived as mutually exclusive inclinations, is the driving force of my work. My abilities to observe human habitats through both historical and formal lenses, to read spaces by means of theory and material, and to formulate new places via words and drawings - developed and expanded along with my academic and professional experience, and have consistently become more evident in my work. This dual fascination results in architectural projects which are deeply rooted in their cultural, historic and physical context, and in academic writings which primarily stem from spatial curiosity.
Both as a designer and as a researcher, my fascination lies in ordinary urban environments. Seeking value in often overlooked places is not a mere whim, but a didactic choice resulting from a disciplinary obligation to minimise the environmental impact of built projects, as well as a deep belief in the role of architecture in everyday life.
2020-23 MSc Architecture (cum laude, grade average 9.6/10.0)
The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Master’s thesis graduation project 10.0/10.0
Interiors Buildings Cities Independent Group, supervised by Prof. Daniel Rosbottom, Asst. Prof. Mark Pimlott, Ir. Koen Mulder
2016-20 BSc Architecture (summa cum laude, grade average 94.2/100)
The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Israel
International workshops
2019 Kibbutz Berlin
Architectural workshop and presentation at the ‘Bauhaus 100 - What Now?’ conference. Dessau Institute of Architecture, Hochschule Anhalt, Germany
2019 Tsukiji Market
Urban design workshop, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Architecture & Freedom
Research & design Master’s studio teacher, with Prof. Dr. Janina Gosseye. The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, The Netherlands
2022 Revisiting Neualtland
Guest lecturer; Master’s elective course The Heteronomy of Urban Design: (Prof. Janina Gosseye). The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, The Netherlands
2022 Shape of Community
Guest critic; first year Master’s design studio final reviews (Prof. Alfred Jacoby). Dessau Institute of Architecture, Hochschule Anhalt, Germany
2020 A Place for Art
Teaching assistant; Master’s elective course Topics in History & Theory: A Place for Art (Asst. Prof. Dalia Kramer). The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Israel
Publications and academic research
2022 Making Neualtland: Ficto-criticism in Architectural Historiography
Co-written with Prof. Dr. Janina Gosseye (TU Delft), peer-reviewed and published in Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge, issue 3 (November 2022), transcript Verlag
2020 Research assistant
To Prof. Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Chair of the Center for Architectural Heritage at the Technion, Israel
2021 Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Part-time junior designer
2020 Tav Group, Haifa, Israel
Lead designer for the new Academy of the Hebrew Language building competition
2019 Gitai Architects, Haifa, Israel
Part-time junior designer
2018 Nachshon Furniture Design House, Haifa, Israel
Product design assistant, lead graphic designer
2023 Mapping Memories: Judengasse Extended
Invited by METAhub FFM (Germany), Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm
News on the Judengasse
Complete design and graphics of a pop-up exhibition curated by Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt, presented in Museum Judengasse Frankfurt
Neualtland: A Layered Local Jewish Narrative
Complete design, curation and graphics of a pop-up exhibition, presented in a newly discovered vaulted cellar dating to the early 1800s, a last surviving remnant from Frankfurt’s historic Jewish ghetto; the complete body of work has been purchased by Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt
Outlining Memories
A participatory artistic intervention and field workshop, hosted by Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and produced in collaboration with Fabrice Mazliah
2015 Street Art Photography
Participation in a group exhibition, Jaffa Port Gallery, Israel
2024 Archiprix NL
TU Delft official selection (ongoing)
2020 The new Academy of the Hebrew Language building open competition
Top 20 proposals in collaboration with Tav Group
2017-19 Intra-faculty competitions
The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Israel
Citation of excellence award BSc5 design studio project “Sense of Place”
Citation of excellence award BSc4 urban design studio project “Post-Possession”, with Itai Aviram & Shaked Fried
First prize Rivka Hashimshoni Award, BSc2 design studio project “At First, But Then”
First prize Rivka Hashimshoni Award, BSc1 design studio project “A Single Stroke”
2018 Israel 2048 Competition, Israel Green Building Council (IGBC)
Finalist BSc4 urban design studio project “Post-Possession”, with Itai Aviram & Shaked Fried
2018 Aba Elhanani Award
Citation of excellence award BSc3 design studio project “Spoken Language”
There's an Ancient Jewish Ghetto in Your Basement
Naama Riba, Haaretz, 10 July 2023
Pissoir statt Synagoge (Urinal Instead of Synagogue)
Theresa Weiss, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24 May 2023
Die verschwundene Straße (The Lost Street)
Alexander Jürgs, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24 April 2023
Mapping Memories – Judengasse Extended
HaGalil.com Jüdisches Leben online, 16 April 2023
"History is not the past": A conversation with Mirjam Wenzel and Meitar Tewel
Johanna Laub, Schirn Magazine, 13 April 2023
Eine verschwundene Straße wird wieder sichtbar (An Erased Street Becomes Visible Again)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 13 April 2023
Festival macht Spuren des Frankfurter Ghettos sichtbar (Festival makes traces of the Frankfurt's ghetto visible)
Michael Theil, Frankfurter Rundschau, 13 April 2023
I am always happy to meet new collaborators and colleagues.
Please feel free to get in touch!